HOW IS THE ROSEDALE GRANDMONT BASEBALL LEAGUE STRUCTURED? Right from our start in 1992, this league has always run completely on the volunteer efforts of all involved, including league administrators. When registering, families will be required to choose a specific category (manager, coach, family volunteer coordinator, fundraising, concessions, field prep, health & safety, team liaison) in which they would like to help.

WHEN DOES THE SEASON BEGIN?  Whole division practices take place before teams are formed as soon as weather permits in March/April. Whole League/All Division Clean-up Day is Saturday, April 12. Opening Day is Saturday, April 26, 2025. All teams assemble the North Rosedale Community House at 8:00 a.m. that day for a parade on Bretton Drive and Pancake Breakfast.

HOW LONG DOES THE SEASON RUN?  The season runs until the end of June. For the baseball divisions, playoff games take place in the last week.

IS THE LEAGUE OPEN ONLY TO THE ROSEDALE/GRANDMONT/MINOCK PARK COMMUNITY? Our league is open to all surrounding communities. Dues-paying members of Rosedale Park, North Rosedale Park, Grandmont, Grandmont #1, and Minock Park receive a $10 discount on registration fees.

CAN MY CHILD PLAY ON THE SAME TEAM AS A FRIEND/RELATIVE? There is space on the registration form to make a request for players to be placed together. The earlier the registration, the more likely this request may be honored. The Junior and Senior baseball divisions have a draft for the players, and this request also is taken into consideration.

IF I REGISTER MORE THAN ONE FAMILY MEMBER, IS THERE A DISCOUNT? All dues-paying members of Rosedale Park, North Rosedale Park, Grandmont, Grandmont #1, and Minock Park receive a $10 discount on registration fees. If you are not a  dues-paying member of one of those communities, you pay the $10 once per family. There is a spot to check off that the fee has been paid when each additional family member is registered.

WILL MY CHILD PLAY ON THE SAME TEAM AS LAST YEAR? Unless otherwise requested, if a player stays in the same division they will return to that same team.

ARE THERE ANY POST-SEASON TOURNAMENTS?  There is the opportunity to play in post-season baseball and softball tournaments. Try-outs for tournament teams occur during the last weeks of our regular season. These tournaments usually begin after the Fourth of July. All players are eligible for tournament play. THERE ARE ADDITIONAL COSTS ASSOCIATED WITH POST-SEASON PLAY.

WHEN WILL MY CHILD’S TEAM PRACTICE? WHEN ARE GAMES SCHEDULED?  For all teams, practice days, times, and places are set by the individual coaches. Practices begin as soon as weather permits in March/April. Games are set by the league, and schedules are issued late in April.


T-Ball (3-4): Games are played on Saturday morning and Wednesday at 6:00 at St. Scholastica (Outer Drive and Southfield).

Coach-Pitch (5-6): Games are played on Saturday morning and Thursday at 6:00. These teams use the fields at Stoepel Park (Westwood and Outer Drive), North Rosedale (Glastonbury and Bretton Drive), Ramsey Field (behind Edison School), and St. Scholastica (Outer Drive and Southfield).

Baseball: This is the largest division. Games are scheduled throughout the day on Saturday, with the Minors and Juniors playing at the earlier times. Games take place at Stoepel Park (Westwood and Outer Drive), Dossin Field (2 blocks south of Schoolcraft and 5 blocks east of Southfield), and St. Scholastica (Outer Drive and Southfield).

Minors (7-9): During the week, Minors mostly play on Tuesday at 6:00.

Juniors/Seniors (10-12)/(13-16): During the week, Juniors play mostly on Wednesday at 6:00, and Seniors play mostly on Tuesday or Wednesday at 6:00.

WHAT ARE THE RULES FOR CANCELLING GAMES DUE TO INCLEMENT WEATHER? Games are played as scheduled unless it is storming at game time. Players meet at the field before game time unless notified otherwise. Be sure that your child’s coach has the proper contact information for you.

ARE UNIFORMS COVERED BY THE REGISTRATION FEE? WHAT ADDITIONAL EQUIPMENT IS NEEDED? Uniforms are handed out by the coaches just prior to the season’s start. All players receive cap, shirt, pants, and socks. Players will need their own mitts and baseball shoes (for the little ones, soccer shoes do double duty.)

WHEN WILL I BE NOTIFIED ABOUT TEAM PLACEMENT? All players are placed on teams by the 15th of April and generally will return to the same team unless the player ages up. TEAM PLACEMENT WILL NOT BE MADE UNLESS ALL REGISTRATION FORMS AND FEES HAVE BEEN RECEIVED.


Still have questions? Please email them to rosedalegrandmontbaseball@gmail.com.